Special Interview
Q: Where it all started - what inspired you to become an artist?
Ans: It all started 56 years ago when my father brought me a book on the complete works of Beato Angelico – a new world opened up before me. Then came the books on Caravaggio and Michelangelo; I started copying those masterpieces with coloured pencils…

Q: Inside the mind of the artist - The visions and beliefs behind your practice
Ans: My studies into religion and alchemy laid the foundations of what became my philosophy of painting.

Q: Viewer interpretation - What do you want audiences to take away from your art?
Ans: I am firmly convinced that a work of art has the same function as a radio – it gives off vibrations and so whoever looks at the artwork receives and interprets its signals according to that viewer’s spiritual level.

Q: Artist ambitions - what are your goals as an artist?
Ans: My goals are to generate a viewer’s emotions and to encourage them to reflect.

Q: Artist projects - do you have any projects you are working on presently or will be working on soon?
Ans: I am currently painting a lot to prepare and practice before I complete two personal paintings around February and April time – one will be painted in Padua and the other in Volterra

Q: One of a kind - What makes your practice unique?
Ans: My paintings are influenced by my research on alchemy; I use my paintings as a means to communicate these teachings.

Q: Who you are - which artist(s) would people compare you to?
Ans: My style of painting is unique, however, one could compare my works to the immense Maestro Bosch, whose philosophy and technique I have studied in depth.

Q: Your place in the art world - which genre or era of art would you say your works fit in to?
Ans: Certainly the Middle Ages.

Q: Your contemporaries - Which artists would you love to collaborate with?
Ans: I am a solitary artist.

Q: Time travelling through the history of art - which significant period or era for art would you love to travel to?
Ans: In the period of the Flemish Renaissance