Special group offer: In a World of Sorrow, Struggles and Pain, Flowers Bloom Even Then
Categories:PaintingsLaura Iosifescu, In a World of Sorrow, Struggles and Pain, Flowers Bloom Even Then (1), acrylic on canvas, 2014, 100cm/130cm
Laura Iosifescu, In a World of Sorrow, Struggles and Pain, Flowers Bloom Even Then (2), acrylic on canvas, 2014,100cm/130cm
Laura Iosifescu, In a World of Sorrow, Struggles and Pain, Flowers Bloom Even Then (3), acrylic on canvas, 2014, 150 cm/175cm, professionally framed
Laura Iosifescu, In a World of Sorrow, Struggles and Pain, Flowers Bloom Even Then (4), acrylic on canvas, 2014, 100cm/130cm