Kamila CK

Kamila CK is known for merging boundaries between performance art (circus, movement, dance, musicality)  abstract painting and Japanese Zen calligraphy in a contemporary art context. Each of her artworks has a story and message behind it, providing a philosophical experience that not only challenges traditional thinking but also wakes up the core of the human existence.

Kamila CK became an artist in her early 30’s after leaving a successful career in London’s luxury hotel industry which followed her Master degree in International Hotel Management & Marketing from Oxford. At that time, she had no background, education or experience in arts. To research the market, she freelanced as a business consultant for London’s art galleries and performance & circus companies.

To find her “artistic side”, she travelled to Kyoto, Japan where she lived during summer 2018 and since then started exploring various art mediums including painting, Japanese calligraphy and live performance. To educate herself as an artist, she attended courses with Slade School of Fine Arts in London, Japanese Zen calligraphy teacher – Ria Takeda and Aircraft Circus & Performance, London.

The biggest breakthrough in her career came during pandemic in 2020 when her freelance work was put on hold alongside live performances. She decided to use that opportunity to built her own art studio and create her first collection of contemporary abstract paintings which she called “Bang”. As soon as the collection was released in 2021, it won a contemporary art competition and went for an exhibition in London with Boomer Gallery. A few months later, Kamila CK was chosen for a gallery representation by award-wining Laura I Gallery in London. She was also chosen for an art residency at NG Art & Creative Residency, France in late 2021, where she built a first ever shodo wall installation and performed her new act performance merging live painting with a trapeze act.

Today she is working on her new 2022 collection called “Breakthrough” in her studio in Lincoln and staging her new performance act.

Kamila CK ’s methods are innovative and completely her own, developed from the love of movement and inspired by the spiritual way of painting in shodo (Japanese Zen/spirit calligraphy). When she develops a new work, she avoids all logical planning, but rather have generic vision of what she wants to create including a main subject and an emotion sand subject for people to experience. Once the focus is established, the process is highly intuitive and organic- resembling a traditional shodo principles where a Zen calligrapher removes its mind from the process to let the work flow out of themselves. The true creative spirit takes over and the work creates itself beyond anyone’s expectations. This unique method is applied to all artworks, regardless of the medium.
Kamila CK Artist CV

Lives and works in Lincoln and London, UK. Represented by Laura I Gallery, London

2020 until now – Shodo (the art of Japanese caligraphy) under Japanese teacher Rie Takeda
2022    Performance “Act of Spontaneity”, Artechouse, Miami, US
2021    Group Exhibition, Laura I Gallery, London: “The Art for the Soul”
2021    Group Exhibition, Laura I Gallery, London: “Globalisation – Exploring the I and You”
2021    Performance “Walk in Between” Movement and Live Painting, NG Art Residency, France
2021    Shodo Wall Installation “Floating Brushworks’ NG Art Residency, France
2021    Fashion Photography Collaboration for Call2Love (American Art Fashion Brand)
2021    Art Collaboration for Cognito, Japanese-British restaurant, Lincoln, UK
2021    Group Exhibition, Doncaster Art Fair, UK: “Art as a response to mental health”,
2021    Winning Place for a Group Exhibition, Boomer Gallery, London: “What is Art II?”
2020- 2021 “Bang” First Contemporary Abstract Collection Created and Released
2020   “Better Than Art School” programme by Amira Rahim for professional abstract artists
2020    Commission “The Peak of Life”
2019    Performance “Encounter with Mt.Fuji”, Bloomsbury Theatre, London
2019    Slade School of Fine Art, London “Colours for Painters” Course
2019    Two week artistic research in Japan (Tokyo, Mt.Fuji, Mijajima)
2019    Performance “Pendulum Swing”, AirCraft Circus, London
2018    Professional Course in Circus and Performance Arts, AirCraft Circus London
2018    First painting “Circle of Japanese Transformation” & print series due to demand
2018    Two week artistic research in Japan (Kyoto, Koyasan)

Prior to the art career:

2016 – 2020 Freelance Marketing Consultant for Art and Hospitality Industry in London
Key clients: Westbourne Hyde Park Hotel, Blakemore Hyde Park Hotel, Stour Space Art Gallery , Underdog Art Gallery, Aircraft Performance, Circus Glory, Alessandra Tortore Mural Artist
2014-2016: Marketing & Sales Head for Luxury Starcrown Hotel Group in London
2014 – 2012: Digital Marketing Head, Vestibule Marketing, marketing consultancy for luxury hotels, London
2012- 2011: Account Manager, Social Media Shop, marketing consultancy for travel industry, Oxford
2011 – 2009 PR & Marketing Executive, Lemongrass Marketing, marketing consultancy for hotels, Oxford
2008 – 2010: Master’s Degree in International Hotel Management, Oxford Brookes University, UK
2005-2007: Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality and Tourism, Lublin, Poland
1985   Born in Lublin, Poland
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