To Be A Woman-March 8 – March 28, 2021-Exhibition Review
Last Tuesday March 16th, I had the pleasure to attend the exhibition opening ‘To be a Womxn’, by the contemporary London-based artist Minerva Amiss. The event took place online via Zoom and it was presented by the Laura I. Art Gallery CIC. The topic was ‘Art, Invisible Pain and Feminism’, which should have been part of the exhibition opening in person, but Covid19 times have taught us all to be adaptable and to thrive alternatively. Laura Iosifescu, owner of the Multi-Award Winning Laura I. Art Gallery CIC, is living proof of this adaptability. She sailed the dangerous waters of online perils, and delivered a popular yet safe event. Her passion paired with effective planning, also resulted in an infectious enthusiasm which fuelled the conversation among the attendees. Minerva’s artworks tell a story that is both intimate but also shared by millions. The series presented were a collection of resin sculptures which included items related to periods, the pink tax, birth control and contraception. The timing for her solo exhibition could not have been more suited. The International Women’s Day celebrations were tainted this year by the Sarah Everard murder news in the UK, a painful reminder of how much still needs to be done. The unfolding events at her vigil and the subsequent conversation in the media about womxn experiences, do not only concern violence and safety, but other detrimental life aspects too. The online event had the rewarding presence of very special guests including Sanchia Alasia, former Mayor of Barking and Dagenham and Wumi Oyewole, multi-award winning beauty entrepreneur and author, and other represented artists by the Laura I Gallery. Laura acted as a magnificent host, in control of every detail, and ensuring that all participants had their voices heard. The level of engagement was very positive and paced to the presentation of each artwork by the artist. The issues raised by each piece were unique, and inspired the spectators to share their views, adding to the vital feminist dialogue of our times. The totality of the talk spoke to me personally too, a woman in my thirties who has had to grow and explore these matters very often alone and in the darkness due to the unfair shame placed upon them by our societies. I am very grateful to Minerva for creating this very necessary art, to Laura for creating the space for these conversations to happen, and to all the fantastic and knowledgeable women who participated and added so much value. I would like to note here the high number of male guests, who humbly and respectfully listened and showed interest and support for the inequalities that womxn experience, resurfaced skilfully by Minerva’s art. I dearly recommend subscribing to the Laura I. Art Gallery CIC newsletter, where all the information about many admirable events such as this is made available. If you care for current affairs, contemporary art and a beautiful community, this is the place to be.

LAURA IOSIFESCU Leader for training, connecting, and facilitator of opportunities for creative practitioners committed in social change, cultural, environmental and advancement in the arts.