Recent major life transitions which happened both globally in the face of pandemic and locally by the war situation triggered disorienting dilemma on a collective level challenging the poetry of day-to-day life with a sense of isolation, alienation, state of hopelessness. The project explores “conceptual maps” of both individuals and collectives’ perceptions of reality, which is in constant change and acts as a muse fall on thinking about fundamental questions: Are we only accepting the reality of the world presented to us ignoring other perspectives of the truth? Are we aware and capable of acknowledging the blurry line between virtual and real, visible and invisible?
Concept of my project refers to the problems arising in connection with the closing of borders due to the pandemic, to search the man’s place in the global world, which suddenly narrowed to within the same country or even the region. I want to draw the viewer’s attention to a paradox – closing, limitation offline and online boundless openness and links clearly manifested during a pandemic. Many places of the World, felt this situation in itself. The problem of the pandemic was joined by the unresolved problem of the migration problem, which has become aggravated throughout the World.
Основная концепция моего проекта основана на понятиях «Движение = Изменение». Это понимание изменений социальной среды, места человека в современном городе; наслоение и наслоение различных культурных, социальных изменений. Кроме того, проект затрагивает темы, связанные с пандемией, закрытием границ и, конечно же, нарастающей глобальной тенденцией ухода от глобализации, стремлением государств к самоидентификации, сосредоточенности на внутренних проблемах, внутреннем саморазвитии.
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